Can a Professional Psychiatric Unit Assist Me?

Living in modern times, mental health awareness has become a critical part of our wellbeing. In olden days, people would associate weakness with people who struggled with their mental health – not fully grasping the sheer impact that a treatable mental disorder can have on a person’s life. Today, it is still stigmatised to certain extents. However, many people choose to seek professional psychiatric care at a dedicated psychiatric unit.

Beethoven Recovery Centre offers professional psychiatric care for people living with treatable mental disorders. There are many prime examples of such disorders that can develop during adulthood. Since the majority of adults are exposed to increased levels of stress and anxiety, they are susceptible to develop corresponding mental disorders. Luckily, such disorders can be treated, and the patient can learn how to live with it by handling the symptoms and overcoming the daily challenges of living with a mental disorder.

What Classifies as a Treatable Mental Disorder?

Treatable mental disorders are categorised by their inherent effects and symptoms, as well as their berth or origin. These disorders are usually not inheritable and are direct results of exposure to drastic levels of stress, depression, and/or anxiety. They can also be a result of experiencing a traumatic event. Some ideal examples are PTSD, various depression disorders, and a variety of anxiety disorders. Such disorders are treatable and can be overcome at a professional psychiatric unit.

Am I at Risk of Developing a Mental Disorder?

This is a very important question to ask yourself. Introspection is vital to maintain a healthy state of mind. If you are under constant pressure and feel like the world is weighing down on you, you might be at risk of developing a corresponding mental disorder. If you are consistently sad or depressed and you can’t seem to find a way out, you might also be at risk of developing a mood disorder. If you fall into bad habits to cope with your life, you are putting yourself in a situation where you can develop a behavioural disorder, which can also lead to addiction.

There are several pitfalls when it comes to the development of a mental disorder. In some cases, it comes down to how the individual chooses to live their life. However, there are some cases where an individual is merely a victim of their circumstances. An example of such a case would be someone who experienced a traumatic or life-changing event in which they didn’t truly have control. Such an event can lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD for short.

Can PTSD Be Overcome?

The short answer to this question, is yes. As with addiction and other behavioural mental disorders, it comes down to the individual to face and overcome their PTSD on their own terms. This doesn’t mean that the individual’s PTSD can be cured, but it means that it can be managed. Nobody can undo the fact that something traumatising happened to someone who suffers from PTSD.

However, they can be treated and informed about this mental disorder. This empowers them to get to grips with their situation and find a way to overcome its crippling effects on their life. Our psychiatric unit can assist with this.

What Can I Expect from Beethoven Recovery Centre?

Our psychiatric unit is designed around the notion of putting the needs of our patients first. We offer around-the-clock medical standby to ensure that our patients can have peace of mind that they are taken care of. We also have beautiful gardens to explore and feature natural surroundings that promote a healthy state of mind for our patients.

Our chef prepares 3 daily meals and in-between snacks to ensure that our patients do not go hungry. We also offer comfortable accommodation solutions for our patients. As a result, they can take the time to focus on themselves and find a way to a healthier mental state with our guidance. Our programme can be tailored to the specific needs of the individual – making it more likely to succeed in the end.

Beethoven Recovery Centre is your first choice when it comes to a professional psychiatric unit near Gauteng. Feel free to browse our website for details on our available services and contact us today with any inquiries.

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