You can phone us directly for assistance or arrange for admission via a healthcare professional.
We will provide you with adequate information prior to admission regarding our requirements and what to bring along.
The most important requirements are:
- A hospital authorisation number which is obtained by the patient wanting to be admitted or by his/her referring practitioner. We will provide a pre-authorisation form towards this end that must be completed and sent to us before admission.
- Your Medical Aid card and Identity Document.
- A deposit which can be paid for via EFT, cash or credit/debit card.
- For rehabilitation patients this deposit is used for medication, laundry and the kiosk.
- For psychiatric patients this deposit is used for kiosk purchases and laundry only since medication is fully covered by medical aids.
- Kiosk and laundry deposits are not compulsory. However, if no deposit is paid then no purchases from the Kiosk can be made and laundry cannot be done as we are a cashless establishment
- Any medication (especially chronic medication) in its original packaging that is currently being used. A medical practitioner will re-prescribe what is deemed appropriate.
- An arranged admission time.
In order to promote the safety and security of patients as well as to reduce the temptation of trying to trade in illicit substances or goods, having a cashless environment is of great importance.
Directions are clearly indicated on our contact page and google maps can also be used. Should you require additional assistance please get in touch with us directly.

Attending group sessions is compulsory as these address relevant issues and assist in a patient’s therapy and recovery.
Please see an example of a weekly programme here. The programme runs on a 14-day cycle and topics that are addressed in psycho-social groups include but are not limited to:
- Boundaries & Assertiveness
- Self-esteem & Identity
- Co-dependency
- Understanding a diagnosis and managing it
- Skills for handling of conflict, stress, burn-out etc.
Groups are divided into theoretical groups and groups that are more practical. Arts and crafts are presented within occupational therapy groups. Relaxation and sports activities are presented within occupational therapy groups.
The programme allows for two psycho-social-educational groups, an arts and crafts group and a sport / relaxation activity each week day.
Patients are given time between groups to relax. At Beethoven Recovery Centre a holistic approach is followed and therefore activities such as reflection and relaxation are seen as part of recovery. Patients are given time for such activities in the evenings and over weekends.

Accommodation & Duration of Stay
Rehabilitation patients:
- Patients are expected to complete a 21 – 24 day primary programme.
Psychiatric patients:
- The length of stay depends on acuity and is determined by a psychiatrist. The average length of stay is 12 days.
Visiting times are as follows:
- Psychiatric patients: Saturdays 13:00 to 16:00
- Rehab patients: No visitors the 1st Saturday. Other Saturdays 13:00 to 16:00.
We allow only two visitors per patient.
All rooms have 2 to 3 beds per room, a bathroom, a small lounge or larger communal lounge as well as DSTV, air-conditioning and a kitchenette. Should a patient require his / her own room he / she will pay double the daily tariff, provided beds are not at capacity.
Laptops and tablets may be used at night.
Cellphones may be kept during the day. However, they should be turned off during individual and group sessions.

Rehabilitation patients:
- Depending on your medical aid a co-payment may be required on admission. Non-chronic medicine is claimed from your savings benefit, and where said benefit is exhausted, will be deducted from the deposit.
- Medical practitioners, diagnostics and allied healthcare services are covered by most medical aids.
Psychiatric patients:
- Our daily tariff for the psychiatric hospital is contracted with medical aids and can vary.
- No co-payments are required and medicine is claimed from your in-hospital benefit.
- Medical practitioners, diagnostics and allied healthcare services are covered by all medical aids.
- You may pay a deposit should you wish to make use of the kiosk and laundry.
- Where medication is not paid by a medical aid, it will be deducted from a deposit.
For private patients:
- Please contact us directly and ask for a quotation.