Drug Rehabilitation: Am I an Addict?

When the word “drug” is mentioned, people always default to hard chemical drugs and would miss the underlying dangers of daily and regularly used substances. Such substances include alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine to name a few. These substances are all highly addictive – making them legally sold drugs.

If you are a smoker of tobacco-based products or think that drinking alcohol is a national sport, you are opening yourself to the possibility of developing an addiction. Luckily, when it comes to drug rehabilitation, Beethoven Recovery Centre has your back. So, how do you know that you are an addict? Let’s discuss some vital elements on this topic.

How Can I Determine If I’m an Addict?

  • Assess Yourself: If you regularly consume beverages or items that contain addictive substances, you are susceptible to become addicted to those specific substances. These include prescribed medication as well. If your prescription covers a long period in which you must consume your meds every day, it is crucial to be aware of the possibility to become addicted to your medication.
  • Break The Habit: When it comes to testing if your body has developed an addiction, you should stop the consumption of that specific substance and see how your body reacts. If you crave the need to consume that substance after avoiding it for a short period, your body might be addicted. In the case of prescribed medication, you should speak to your doctor about the possibility of developing an addiction and options to avoid such a scenario.
  • Be Honest About It: Since most adults in Gauteng consume alcoholic beverages regularly, smoke cigarettes, and drink caffeinated energy drinks and coffee, they are highly likely to develop an addiction without even noticing it. Some would call themselves “functioning alcoholics” and use it as a brag within social circles. However, the truth comes down to the fact that they are addicted and that their addiction controls their decision-making capabilities – whether they want to admit or deny it.
  • Avoid the Downward Spiral: Addiction can pull you into an inevitable downward spiral. When caught in such a spiral, your life revolves around the consumption of that specific substance that you are addicted to. For alcoholics, they will take advantage of any given opportunity to consume alcoholic beverages. Whether they are in a professional environment or at a child’s birthday party, it doesn’t really matter.

Our Solution

If you seek professional drug rehabilitation, Beethoven Recovery Centre is your answer. We offer a world-renowned programme that gives you an opportunity to forge a new path in life. This path of sober living wellness gives you the means to make the most of your life and get back to a point of not being dependent on a specific substance to get through the day. Our rehab centre only admits people on a voluntary basis to ensure that they are committed to the programme.

Beethoven Recovery Centre is your answer to professional drug rehabilitation near Gauteng. Feel free to browse our website for details on our programme and location and contact us today if you have any inquiries about how we can assist you to reach a place of sober living wellness in your life.

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