Developing an Addiction to Prescription Medication

Prescription drug rehabilitation is becoming more popular, as more people start to consume prescribed medication for a variety of illnesses. Developing an addiction is easy and can happen to anyone. Most people who are already addicted to their prescribed meds, might not even be aware of their addiction. Luckily, Beethoven Recovery Centre offers a prescription drug rehabilitation programme for people who want to overcome their addiction for good.

Addiction is interpreted in many different ways. Some think it is a disease, while others think it is a consequence. The fact is that addiction starts out as a choice. A choice to consume addictive substances. However, when it comes to prescription medication, some people might not have the luxury of choice. Let’s talk about developing an addiction and how you can overcome such an addiction with Beethoven Recovery Centre in your corner.

Being Aware of What’s in Your Meds

Some people are diagnosed with chronic diseases and must consume medication on a daily basis to keep the chronic disease in check. These people do not have a choice in the matter, as their disease will always loom and be active. However, they are in control of the medication they consume. In such a case, it is always good to discuss the contents of the prescribed medication and the possibilities of developing an addiction to your meds. Should there be a chance, you can always switch to another medication that has similar effects.

For people who do not have chronic diseases and always consume meds for small inconveniences, the danger of developing an addiction is much higher. Painkillers contain paracetamol and/or other addictive substances that relieve pain in the body. However, these substances are highly addictive and should always be consumed as a last resort and in moderation. Otherwise, you are bound to develop an addiction.

Beethoven Recovery Centre’s Approach to Prescription Drug Rehabilitation

Our prescription drug rehabilitation programme caters to people of 18 years of age and older. This programme covers 7 weeks and is divided into 2 distinct phases, of which the 2nd phase is completely voluntary.

During the first phase, you will be educated on the dangers of addiction and how it controls your life. This phase encourages you to make an active choice to break with your addiction and find a way to sober living wellness once again. It is easier said than done and should be viewed as a journey instead of an achievement.

The second phase of our prescription drug rehabilitation programme revolves around social reintegration and maintaining your sobriety to avoid any relapsing in the foreseeable future. Although this phase is optional, we recommend that you go through it and take all the knowledge and teachings with you when leaving our care.

Beethoven Recovery Centre is your first choice in a prescription drug rehabilitation programme for people living in Gauteng and the surrounding areas. Feel free to browse our website for details on our programme and premises and contact us directly is you have any questions. Overcome addiction with us on your side.

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