The Function of Rehabilitation Therapy
Rehabilitation therapy helps people who suffer from physical addiction or mental disorders. These include drug abuse, alcohol abuse, prescription medicine abuse, as well as behavioural addictions. Addiction is mostly characterised by a loss of control, a deviancy in behaviour, and a dependency on a specific substance, while mental disorders are characterised by maladaptive, repetitive behaviour patterns. It translates into a person who suffers from something that affects them on a physical and/or emotional level. The results of these effects are visible in the behaviour and actions of that person, giving a clear indication that something is wrong. It is very important for those who observe that kind of behaviour to act on it and help the affected person to get rehabilitation therapy as soon as they are eligible to do so.
Beethoven Recovery Centre is an Ideal Place to Heal
Beethoven Recovery Centre has a well-equipped hospital, being fully registered at the National Hospital Network. We are also registered at the Department of Social Development, the Department of Health North West, and the Board of Healthcare Funders. We also accept most medical aid schemes in South Africa.
At Beethoven Recovery Centre, we employ a professional medical team, including psychiatrists, psychologists, general practitioners, registered nurses, a physiotherapist, and an occupational therapist. These professionals are highly qualified people who are committed to their job and willing to walk the extra mile with each patient to ensure that they are well taken care of and feel at home during their time with us.
Our Rehabilitation Therapy Programme
Our programme is world-renowned and carefully selected from a myriad of available programmes globally. This programme covers a time span of 7 weeks, divided into 2 phases, of which the second phase is voluntary, although very relevant and important for the patient. The first phase of 3 weeks is very liberating and intense, as it guides and empowers the patient to take control of their life. In this phase, the patient is equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to face their addiction. This gives the patient the opportunity to break with their addiction, should they choose to do so.
The programme is designed to be personalised to the needs of every individual person. Therefore, each patient is evaluated to adapt their programme accordingly. The programme puts the focus on the individual, letting the patient focus on themselves instead of the worldly distractions of everyday life. Our location provides serene and tranquil surroundings, displaying some of the best that mother nature has on offer. Bringing a calm state of mind to our facility, our patients can truly focus on self-healing and finding their feet in life again. It is pivotal to have control over your life and the choices you make. Our programme delivers the basis for each patient to get to grips with their addiction or mental illness. As a result, they have the opportunity to take control of their life to make clear decisions without the influence of their addiction or mental illness.
The second phase of our programme equips the patient for reintegration into society. Although this phase is completely voluntary, it is highly recommended for every patient to ensure that they can find a path in life moving forwards. Life will never be the same after addiction or combatting a mental illness. However, with the necessary guidance and knowledge provided by our second phase, our patients have the opportunity to forge a better life for themselves. This is the aim of rehabilitation therapy for every patient at Beethoven Recovery Centre.
Our Website
We welcome everyone to browse our website and go through every detail to familiarise themselves with what we offer as a recovery centre. Our website also gives a comprehensive description of our 2-phased rehabilitation programmes. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us directly, as we are willing to answer any further questions. Our premises are also highlighted, giving you an idea of what to expect when arriving at Beethoven Recovery Centre. Our rehabilitation therapy programme goes beyond focusing on the disease. With a scenic and remote location between the Magaliesberg mountains and the Hartbeespoort dam, we create a self-reflecting environment that promotes self-healing and finding inner peace. At Beethoven Recovery Centre, we treat every patient with the necessary respect to make them feel at ease. As a result, they have a solid chance to overcome the proverbial ties that bind and find a way to a healthy lifestyle.