Rehabilitation Centre in Gauteng Provides Professional Help to Overcome Addictions
One has only to glance at a newspaper or a television news broadcast to be made instantly aware of the growing scourge of addiction in South Africa. Take a stroll through any street in Johannesburg or Cape Town after dark, and you are almost certain to find doorways occupied by its hapless victims, nursing pipes, syringes or perhaps liquor bottles, and quite oblivious to your presence and the world in general.
Further down that same street, in another doorway, it???s quite on the cards that you could witness the furtive exchange of a sachet of white powder for cash between a pair of nervous and hooded figures. In such encounters, lies the indisputable proof that both the use of recreational drugs and the abuse of alcohol are on the rise. Of even greater concern, however, is the fact that such addictions can affect anyone, including you or a member of your family.
Now, as at no time in the past, the capacity of rehabilitation centres in Gauteng and throughout South Africa to cope with the burgeoning increase in addictive disorders is nearing its limit. State-funded healthcare lacks the resources to provide an adequate support service and the burden of providing help for addicts now falls almost exclusively on the private sector. Providing secondary care following preliminary treatment, support groups, many of which are funded by charities, offer help in coping with the stresses of reintegration into society and the effort to overcome the temptation to relapse.
Sparked by disappointing results in the face of a growing need, recent years have seen a number of significant advances in the treatment of addictions of all kinds. Much of that improvement can be attributed to the rather belated realisation that addiction is frequently accompanied by some form of mental illness, commonly depression. It has been theorised that genetic factors may explain why some individuals are more likely to develop an addiction than others, and that this predisposition, in turn, may also make them more vulnerable to mental illness.
This has been found to be a typical ???chicken and egg??? situation in which, if either the underlying mental illness or the addiction is treated in isolation, the untreated condition actually has a tendency to worsen and thus to obstruct any possibility of a full recovery. As a result of this observation, it is becoming common practice for the specialists at a rehabilitation centre to look for such concurrent conditions when performing their initial evaluation of a patient. Based upon their findings, an appropriate treatment will clearly need to address any and all pathologies that the evaluation may have revealed in order to improve the chances of a complete and sustainable recovery.
This revised and markedly more effective approach, and now widely adopted by therapists in the evaluation of addictions, is often referred to as dual diagnosis. Treatment with a combination of evidence-based therapies aimed at addressing the mental, physical and spiritual needs of the patient has, in turn, become known as integrative therapy.
While it is all too easy for those of us who are fortunate enough to have remained remote from the ravages of addiction to classify addicts as social misfits and brand them with labels such as ???junky??? or ???crackhead???. In practice, however, no two victims are quite the same. The causes, the circumstances and the consequences of their illness can differ widely. This diversity underlines the importance of another feature of treatments at our prominent rehabilitation centre in Gauteng. At Beethoven Recovery Centre, each patient is treated as an individual and not subjected to some form of ???one-size-fits??? all therapy sessions. This means that, apart from the educational and recreational activities and the group sessions that are an integral part of everyone???s treatment, each patient will follow a programme of treatment that has been personalised, so as to meet each of the needs, whether they are medical, psychiatric or spiritual, as identified in his or her evaluation sessions.
While the effectiveness of integrative therapy speaks for itself in the record of success achieved in just seven weeks of residential care, environment also plays an important role in the recovery process. Beethoven Recovery Centre is surrounded by beautiful gardens and nestled between the Magaliesberg Mountains and Hartbeespoort Dam. Within, well-appointed and spacious en-suite rooms, with access to a gym, swimming pool, volleyball court, table tennis and pool table, patients are provided with every opportunity to relax at our exceptional rehabilitation centre in Gauteng.