Psychiatric Treatment for Psychotic Disorders

The Truth About Psychiatric Treatment for Psychotic Disorders

Everybody goes through various challenges and difficult periods in their lives, and often they become a little detached and find it difficult to function properly in life. Psychotic disorders, however, are quite serious and can affect a person???s life to an extent that becomes dangerous for the sufferer and the people surrounding them. In these cases, it is essential to seek psychiatric treatment for psychotic disorders, but the most important thing is to get diagnosed properly by a fully qualified psychiatrist first.

Types of Psychotic Disorders and Symptoms

There is a huge variety of psychotic disorders, and unfortunately the stigma surrounding these conditions prevents many people from seeking treatment. People tend to use phrases like ???What a psycho??? and ???you are completely mad???, and this makes the sufferer feel ostracised, abnormal and embarrassed about the condition. In more severe cases, the sufferer is so overwhelmed by the condition that they do not even know that they have a mental challenge and they do their best to continue with ordinary life, with some dire consequences. It is vital that psychiatric treatment for psychotic disorders is found in order to stabilise the patient and to help them return to a functional life. Different psychotic disorders include:

  • Schizophrenia: Typically, a person with this condition will experience thinking and behaviour that is distinctly disordered, and this often includes hallucinations and delusion. This also leads to significant dysfunction when it comes to personal and professional life.
  • Delusional disorder: The person suffering from this condition will usually experience false beliefs that are removed from reality, and these may cause problems with coping with life on a day-to-day basis.
  • Substance withdrawal psychosis: Often, when a person withdraws from long-term use of drugs or alcohol, they may experience a psychosis in addition to the physical symptoms. Usually these wear off, but often they tend to cause delusions and other conditions on a long-term basis.
  • Bipolar disorder: Mood disturbances that vary from being hyperactive and at times, uncontrollable, to ultimate lows that affect their ability to carry out everyday activities such as eating or bathing. Sometimes, they experience voices and other altered states that may put them in danger of self-harm.
  • Post-natal depression: This is a fairly common disorder after a woman has given birth, and the severity can vary from person to person. Worst case scenario, it may lead to the woman harming herself or the baby. It is classified as a major mood disorder.
  • Psychotic episode: Often, people experience an extreme emotional distress after a particular event, such as being violent-crime victim, the sudden loss of a loved one, or any other event that puts the person into an extreme state of stress. The severity of the symptoms may vary, but in most cases, it is vital that psychiatric treatment for psychotic disorders are sought out, in order to prevent the condition from continuing for an extended period of time.
  • Major depressive disorder: Being clinically depressed is about a lot more than just feeling sad for a period of time about something that happened in your life. Clinical depression is a constant condition that seemingly has no logical explanation, and often, the problem lies with brain chemistry. Depression can be effectively treated with medication, but treatment of the patient with both counselling and medication produces much better results than medication alone. The patient may be unable to recover from a childhood or adult trauma by themselves and in these cases, daily therapy is required for the best results.

There is a long list of psychotic disorders that need psychiatric treatment, and in these cases, it means that you have to seek out the best professionals to deal with the problem. Often, residential care provides the ideal opportunity for the sufferer to recover in safety, while the people surrounding the patient are also given tools and methods to handle the disorder once the patient returns to normal life. Residential psychiatric treatment for psychotic disorders can be highly effective, as it provides all the care, counselling, support and medication needed in order for the person to learn how to deal with their condition.

Give our team at Beethoven Recovery Centre a call to find out more about the psychiatric treatment that we provide for psychotic disorders!

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