Psychiatric Care

When to Seek Professional Psychiatric Care

Mental illness is no joke, and a lot of people are still caught up in the stigma of it, thus preventing them from seeking help or professional psychiatric care for an emotional or mental condition that affects them on a daily basis. Mental disorders can affect a lot of people, in addition to the person who suffers from a mental disorder, and it can cause chaos in the lives of anyone who suffers from mental illness, as well as their families, friends and work colleagues.

This is why it is so important to seek professional help or get some form of psychiatric care when needed. The problem is ??? not many people know when the time has come to seek this type of assistance. A lot of the time, the person who is mentally ill is in total denial, and some psychological conditions can make them highly paranoid and very unlikely to admit that they have a problem. This is where friends, family and professional help come in ??? it is essential that the person is enticed or convinced to seek professional psychiatric care.

Here are some of the signs to look for when considering full-time psychiatric care:

  • The person is not coping: People tend to suffer from a mental illness quite a while before people realise. In the beginning, they may look as if they are coping with work, family life and other pressures, but the truth is that they are working all out to try and cope, and to look as if they are coping. This can be a slippery slope, because the stress of trying to cope and act ???normal??? can be exhausting, and in most cases, it exacerbates the problems they have. If you notice that a person is not coping, you have to realise that it is serious and that they are probably in crisis mode. This is when you should speak to them about getting professional psychiatric care in order to help them.
  • Abuse of substances: Often, people who haven???t had any drug or alcohol abuse problems before may lapse into a pattern of using alcohol or drugs, or even destructive behaviours, in order to cope with a bad situation. It is usually a sign that something is wrong and that they are not coping ??? not only with their own psychological problems, but later, the addictions they fall prey to.
  • Loss or grief: Even a very ???stable??? person can go off the deep end after a loss. Often, people who appeared strong before can suffer real psychological damage when they lose a loved one, lose a job, experience financial troubles, or go through a divorce. Grief can be a terrible burden, and sometimes we need help to deal with the loss. If you feel overwhelmed, it may be time to seek some help from a professional.
  • Losing interest: One of the big warning signs of depression and despair is losing interest in the things you used to love to do. Whether you enjoyed mountain biking, hanging out with your friends, or just taking solitary walks ??? the moment you feel unable to enjoy these things, it may mean that you have a lot more on your plate than you realise. Losing interest in the things you used to love is one of the first signs that you are sinking into a depression, and this may warrant some serious assistance from a mental health professional. Getting psychiatric care to help you with this is paramount.
  • Feeling weird: People who go through trauma or a psychological challenge sometimes feel as if they don???t recognise themselves in their behaviour or thoughts. Feeling ???spaced??? or ???distanced??? can mean that they are not integrating with life the way they used to, and that there are some underlying issues to explore. These things can surface without warning, and people think that they are just experiencing a ???down??? phase, but a lot of the time, if this condition persists, there are some real psychological issues behind it. During these times, receiving proper psychiatric care is paramount.

If you are looking for some superb psychiatric care at a recognised and professional establishment, give our team at Beethoven Recovery Centre a call. We have the right team and the right expertise to provide you with all the care you need to recover. Call us today to find out more.

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