Addiction is something that affects everybody at some stage of their lives ??? whether it is themselves, a friend, a loved one, a partner or a child. Addiction is something that does not only affect the addicted person, but it also impacts on family units, careers, social lives, and overall performance and wellbeing. Being an addict is not easy, it is a disease that is not easily managed, and most people need help with fighting addition in the long term. There are several ways in which to do this, and one of the most effective ways still remains the participation in a structured programme while attending a residential recovery facility where professional assistance is provided on a physical and emotional level.
We know that addiction is not just physical, it is also mental and emotional, and it is therefore not enough to just stop using the substance of choice that one is addicted to, it is also crucial that a mental shift takes place and emotional issues are dealt with. Often, addiction is the result of some type of emotional trauma or distress, and figuring out how to deal with these root cause issues, without the use of substance or addictive behaviour, is crucial to the success of the process. This is why the process of recovery includes emotional healing, as much as physical healing and recovery. Recovering addicts need help with fighting addiction in the long term, and it is crucial that they are given the tools to do so.
At Beethoven Recovery Centre, we understand the nature of addiction and how it can ruin lives. We understand how it affects the body, the mind and the collateral damage that it causes to all areas and people in the life of an addict. For those who want to recover and need help with fighting addiction, we have a carefully structured programme which includes the professional help of medical experts, therapists and psychologists. The programme consists of two parts ??? primary care and extended (or secondary) care.
Primary care is a three-week programme during which we help you to detox and find yourself again through contemplation, commitment and action. Our general practitioner will examine and monitor physical recovery, and our psychometric testing and psychological assessment will provide insight into your emotional status and mental performance. If deemed necessary, we also provide psychiatric evaluation. The programme includes integrative care, where we take care of you while you take care of your recovery. Secondary care consists of a four-week residential programme, during which we focus on reintegration into society and the maintenance of sobriety.
Both these phases provide a range of benefits that will help to assist and support recovery, as well as help to prevent relapses. A variety of effective therapies are also included in the programme, such as art and music therapy, individual and group therapies, and activities such as table tennis, swimming, croquet and our gymnasium help to keep your body active and healthy. Our facilities provide the ideal environment to heal, to relax and to recover, while we take care of the rest. We give you the time to find healing.
If you need more information about our wonderful programme and beautiful residential facilities, give our team a call today!