Drug Rehabilitation

Your Chance to Overcome Drug Addiction

Drug addiction refers to a person being addicted to a specific addictive substance – covering a large list that includes nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol as well. The majority of prescribed medications contain addictive substances, which can lead to developing an addiction when consuming the same type of medication over an extended period. Although people might think that drug addiction is very uncommon, they might be addicted to something themselves without even being aware of such a probability. Luckily, Beethoven Recovery Centre offers a solution at our drug rehabilitation centre.

Developing a Drug Addiction

The most common way of developing a drug addiction comes down to consistently consuming or injecting that specific drug into your body, to a point where your body will start to show signs of craving if you distance yourself from that substance for a while. Addiction will take control of your ability to prioritise, make critical decisions, and go about your responsibilities towards others, as your body’s cravings will start to influence your brain. Therefore, an addict will start to prioritise their next “hit” over other elements in their life.

Being Aware of Addictive Substances

When you are regularly consuming addictive substances such as nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, or some prescribed medication, it is your responsibility to ensure that you do not develop a dependency on that specific substance. If you are suspicious that your body might have developed an addiction, distance yourself from that specific substance for a while and see how your body reacts to it. Based on that, you can decide if you want to seek professional drug rehabilitation to overcome your addiction for good.

A Life of Sober Living Wellness

Our drug rehabilitation programme is aimed to give addicts the opportunity to forge a new path in life – one of sober living wellness that is free from the ties that bind. We admit people of 18 years and older to our drug rehabilitation programme, strictly on a voluntary basis to establish that they are committed to overcome their addiction. In the end, the individual must make an active choice to admit that they have a problem and want to overcome it on their own terms. Our programme creates an ideal environment for such change.

Our premises are located just outside Pretoria, nestled in mother nature to create a calm and peaceful environment where our patients are removed from the busy city environment. Our surroundings allow our patients to focus on themselves and their process of overcoming addiction during their time with us. Our programme spans over 7 weeks and is divided into 2 distinct phases of which the 2nd phase is voluntary. This phase comes highly recommended to those who want to maintain their sober state and truly live a life that is free from addiction, equipping them to void relapse, and how to reintegrate into their social and family circles once again.

Beethoven Recovery Centre is your answer to a professional drug rehabilitation centre near Gauteng. Please browse our website for details on our programme and facilities, or feel free to contact us directly if you have any enquiries on how we can assist you to overcome drug addiction.

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