When you are dealing with a treatable mental disorder and live in Gauteng or the surrounding areas, Beethoven Recovery Centre is your first choice in a professional mental healthcare facility. There are various types of mental disorders, some of which are developmental, while others develop because of various other reasons. In this article, we discuss the types of mental disorders and how you can face and overcome the challenges of a treatable mental disorder as an adult.
What is a Developmental Disorder?
Developmental disorders cover various mental illnesses that are berthed at a young age in children. These include the entire autism spectrum as well, along with other mental disorders that influence social interactions, learning abilities, and comprehension. For the most part, these disorders carry through to adulthood, and people who suffer from a developmental disorder must seek consistent treatment solutions to keep their disorder in check. Some disorders are not treatable and alternative solutions must be found for people who live with such disorders. It might seem hopeless, but there is always a way to deal with a mental disorder.
Developing a Mental Disorder as An Adult
More than 60% of adults are exposed to severe levels of stress and anxiety around the world. In South Africa, this statistic is even higher because of high crime rates, high divorce rates, and high unemployment rates. As a result, various anxiety disorders can creep up and settle in a person’s mind, without the person even really noticing that they might be suffering from such a disorder. These disorders come in various forms that include behavioural disorders, anxiety disorders, and stress-inducing disorders. Luckily, Beethoven Recovery Centre offers a mental healthcare facility that delivers professional treatment for these disorders.
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is categorised as an anxiety disorder and marked by panic attacks, with symptoms that include accelerated heartbeats, chest pain, dizziness, and trouble breathing. People who suffer from panic disorder would often experience intense feelings of terror or feel like a panic attack is coming, which puts even more stress on their mental state. Panic attacks can happen without warning as well, and the fear of getting a panic attack becomes a dominant and controlling force for people who suffer from panic disorder.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
As an adult, you are most likely to experience a life-changing or traumatic event that alters your life completely, leaves you in fear, or changes the way you approach a normal day. From such a traumatic experience can PTSD be berthed – which increases the anxiety surrounding that specific event. PTSD induces a person with flashbacks, feeling alone, sleepless nights, and random angry/emotional outbursts.
People with PTSD can also experience uncontrollable thoughts and intrusive memories about the specific event, which can cause them to avoid specific areas, situations, and people who might remind them of the event. Should something or someone trigger a memory of that event, the person might experience intense stress and anxiety being induced on their mind and body, which can also lead to a panic attack. As a result, people who suffer from PTSD are likely to separate themselves from crowds and social environments to avoid being triggered. They are also more likely to stay home as opposed to going out with friends.
Our Mental Healthcare Facility
At Beethoven Recovery Centre, our mental healthcare facility provides professional psychiatric care for people suffering from treatable mental disorders. We admit people of 16 years of age and older to our treatment and provide a comfortable and relaxing environment that gives them the time of day to focus on themselves and their mental health. We employ professional psychiatrists and psychologists to treat our patients – using an adaptable programme that offers a holistic approach as opposed to only putting the focus on their mental health.
Our facility is surrounded by mother nature to create a peaceful and tranquil environment that promotes self-reflection and self-healing. This allows our patients to truly find a way to overcome the challenges of living with a mental disorder with our guidance to show them the way.
Beethoven Recovery Centre is your answer to a mental healthcare facility that puts the needs of our patients first. Feel free to browse our website for details on how we can assist and contact us directly with any questions about our psychiatric care unit today.